We're in this together, nobody fights MS alone
Firstly, welcome to our page. Here you can find a great wealth of knowledge in finding great information on MS, and what support networks are available in your local area.
MS can be a huge change, and shock to learn when you are newly diagnosed, and also for your loved ones. It can be a constant battle trying to find your new normal or adapting to changes along the way. It is important to know that you are not alone.
The MS Central Coast Branch is here for you. You don’t have to go the unchartered journey by yourself.
There are support groups in our local area that are not only just for people living with MS, but there is also support groups where your loved ones can go to learn information and share experiences.
It is vital to have a good support system behind you. There are various groups in our Central Coast area that offer peer network support, which you will find in the Support Groups page.
To learn more about what we do at the MS Central Coast Branch, you can click here