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"How to Plan for Specialized Care: A Guide for Anticipating Your Care Needs"

Kirsty R

It is very important to make your wishes known to your family, and have your GP help you with the forms. It is very easy to get these forms online by searching Advanced Care Directive. If you do not have access to the internet, you could ask a family member or friend to download and print it for you, or you could call NSW Health (02) 9391 9000 to request a copy to be sent to you. 


It’s very important to note that your wishes can be changed and updated as many times as you like, especially as your needs and situation may change.

What would happen if you had a relapse, and you couldn’t look after yourself? What would happen to your personal care needs or who would pay your bills if you’re not able to?


MS is a neurological disease and can have many different symptoms, degrees of symptoms, and for some, can result in decline so it is a good idea to have plans in place so our loved ones around us can help support us and have legal access to be able to do so. This is another area where you get to put your wishes on a legal form and advise how you would like to be cared for should you not be able to look after yourself.

Remember, in a relapse anything can happen, and it doesn’t always mean permanent incapacity. But, in that instance your loved ones or caregivers will need access to be able to help your wishes to be actioned.


I know that reading this may sounds very overwhelming and almost sounds ridiculous especially when some of us are still young, but MS doesn’t discriminate. You can get more information about the Enduring Power of Attorney & Enduring Guardian by searching NSW Trustee & Guardian. If you do not have access to the internet, you can contact them on 1300 109 290. It is best to have discussions with your loved ones so everyone is on the same page with your wants and needs. Remember this is about what you want, and who you would like to act of your behalf.

These documents are free of charge to submit if you are receiving a full Centrelink Age Pension, receiving a Department of Veterans Affairs Pension or Disability Support Pension and would otherwise be eligible for a full Centrelink Age Pension.


To break it down, you will need an Enduring Power of Attorney where you can nominate a person or persons to take care of your financial obligations. And you will need Enduring Guardian where you can nominate a person or person’s make medical decisions on your behalf. If you do not have anyone you can nominate for whatever reason, you can have the public trustee act on your behalf if you are incapacitated. Main thing is to have these plans in place, so you have full say over your care where possible.

It is also a good idea to have someone you trust as an authorised contact for your tax affairs if you don’t have a taxation agent. This can be arranged via mygov or calling 13 28 65. If you are receiving payments from Centrelink, it is also a good idea to have a nominated person to be able to access your account if you are incapacitated. You can control what a person can have access to, and you can initiate this via your mygov account or visiting a Centrelink office closest to you. You will need to go with your nominee so you can both sign the relevant forms.


You can find more information on their website


​NSW Trustee & Guardian

Address: 92-100 Donnison St, Gosford 

Phone: 1300 076 694​

Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-Spm.

This location is wheelchair accessible

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